My Teaching Journey

Here I am reflecting on my journey as a teacher from a personal rather than a professional point of view. It is like a documentary work where all elements are engaged and presented in a narrative form.
First Stop
             Having finished my college, I had great expectations and ambitions to pursue. I had always imagined myself as a successful teacher in  a prestigious school. However, my first job carried so much excitement that I could never forget. As I had no connections, I was appointed in a school in the farthest village in Dakahlia governorate. A village that lies at least 8 KM away from the nearest paved road. So after being closely attached to city life in Mansoura, I was pulled back to a place that witnessed nearly no signs of civilization. Although the area was very rich in all agricultural components, I thought that the narrow muddy roads, large farms, water channels, have not changed since at least one century.
            When I went to the educational zone to complete my job requirements, I had people smiling and trying to help me. When they read the name of the school they just signed and wished me good luck.  On my first day to school, I got up early, put on my best suit, took my papers in a nice leather bag and took the first microbus to the nearest stop. There when I asked about the way to the village, some street vendors advised me to take any moving thing going to that direction including donkeys, carts, tractors, or horse pulled carts, otherwise I would not be able to get there. Thus, I waved to a tractor driver who kindly allowed me to sit on the fender next to him. Having reached half of the unpaved road, the driver asked to get off as he reached his destination. So, I had to walk for sometime in dirt roads chased by monster geese, wild duck, and fierce dogs. I started to practice jogging between trees where there was no shade and rest under big ones as the sun was starting to show her best. Fortunately a cart appeared on the horizon and kindly took me to my destination. 
             When I jumped down of the cart I did not recognize the original colors of my trousers ...
to be continued 

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